Travel Industry Feed by Datos

Online Traveler Behavior Across the Sites that Interest You

Gain a competitive edge in the travel industry through our Travel Industry Feed product, equipping your business with real-world consumer data. Optimize marketing efforts, deliver personalized experiences, improve booking rates, and much more.

Search Engines

Google, logo Yahoo!, Logo DuckDuckGo, Logo Bing, Logo

Booking Websites/OTAs, Logo Airbnb, Logo Expedia, Logo, logo Trivago, Logo

Ticket Aggregators

Kayak, Logo skyscanner, logo Momondo, Logo

Uncover Real-World Insights with our Travel Industry Feed

Market-driven Travel Strategies
Identify trending destinations and popular tours by analyzing search keywords, understanding customer preferences and seasonal trends. Use this data to tailor promotional campaigns and ads, while enhancing product offerings and travel packages.
Dynamic Pricing and Inventory Optimization
Analyze search parameters on specific websites of your choosing, including number of rooms and guests, children, and amenities. Leverage this data to fine-tune pricing strategies and enhance inventory management.
Flight Route Analytics
Track searches for specific routes to enhance flight schedules, pricing strategies, and discover new route opportunities. Use this data to implement dynamic pricing models and boost customer satisfaction by providing more preferred routes.
Competitor Landscape Analysis
Monitor top landing pages resulting from travel-related searches to understand the dynamic competitive landscape. Discover who your main competitors are and how the market is shifting to inform strategic decisions.

Why Choose the Datos Travel Industry Feed?

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Personalized Approach

Receive tailored consultations and customized solutions designed specifically for your business needs and objectives.
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Dynamic Data Updates

Stay agile with frequent data updates for rapid response to market shifts.
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Diverse Data Sources

Create insights from various data sources, offering a panoramic view of customer behaviors and industry trends.
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Support and Training

Access ongoing support and specialized training to maximize the effectiveness of our solutions and empower your team.

Clickstream Use Cases for the Travel Industry

Optimization for airlines

Thanks to our data insights, airline companies can optimize their flight schedules and pricing strategies with precision. By leveraging up-to-date search data, expect to achieve an increase in seat occupancy rates and reduced operational costs which enable you to enhance profitability while meeting customer demand effectively.

Harnessing trends for hotel brands

By analyzing market demand and booking trends, hotel chains can dynamically adjust room rates, resulting in an increase in occupancy and reduced booking cancellations. This data-driven approach can boost your revenue per available room and improve overall guest satisfaction.

Improving customer experience for OTAs

Online travel agencies utilize our data solutions to personalize user experiences and optimize booking processes. By analyzing data, OTAs can expect to achieve an increase in user engagement and a rise in conversion rates. Empower your business to deliver tailored travel recommendations, enhancing customer loyalty and driving substantial growth in bookings.

Ready to transform your decision making?

Book a meeting now to explore how Datos can elevate your data strategy.